Week 13 Fantasy Football with Josh Shepardson

Josh ShepardsonWeek 13 Fantasy Football Preview

Week 12 Fantasy Football Recap

Featuring Josh Shepardson (@BChad50) of Fantasy Sports Live

About My Guest:  Josh has been an avid fantasy gamer for over a decade, and has been writing about fantasy sports since 2009. He graduated from SUNY Cortland with a Bachelors Degree in Sport Management. You can connect with him on Twitter and Google+.

Where you can find his work:

Fantasy Sports Live

Fantasy Sports Live Podcast


Download this episode as well as the previous three on Itunes and Stitcher Radio.  

Thank Yous For Episode 050:  I want to thank Josh Shepardson for coming on the podcast this week and helping me get everyone ready for week 13 of the fantasy football season.  I would also like to thank C-Quel for providing the intro music as well as the outro beat.  You can Find all of C-Quel’s current music available here.