Episode 056 Fantasy Football Bob Harris

Episode 056: The Fantasy Coach Podcast
Fantasy Football, Heavy Metal Music, and Life
Featuring: Bob Harris (@footballdiehard) of Football Die Hards (SiriusXM Radio)

Bob Harris SiriusXM

Show Rundown:

  • Intro
  • Get to know our guest:  We get to know a little about how (FSWA Hall of Famer) Bob Harris got into Fantasy Football.  We also discuss how the industry has grown and how he has grown with it.  Lastly, we touch on the future of Fantasy Football.
  • Music:  Bob and I talk about his love of musicianship and how his tastes turned to the heavier side of the dial.  We also touch on how my home town had a hand in the Thrash Metal Movement of the early 80s.  I am just a little jealous that Bob was able to see the Maynard Birthday Show.